Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Better Philippines

Dear Mr. President;

It is with humility, hesitancy and awe that I accept your draft as our president.The problems of Philippines are many and incredible magnitude.These problems are not of recent origin; they stemmed from many years of neglect and in difference.We have but a few years to solve this problems it our dear president is to be redeemed from utter deterioration.But more lamentable than this is the ultimate erosion of the dignity of all Filiopinos.

It is for this reason that I have accepted inspite of my involvement with many national projects and international commitments this year at the next.We are all aware of the sacrifice we must all make, and my heart goes out to those who must bare the burden of restoration, reforms and reconstruction.With your help, Mr. President, we hope to succeed, rebuild and revitalized a great Philipines!

These mission and priveledged, I bring my whole heart and my whole being, and from you, my beloved president, I ask nothing less than your sincerest commitment in return.My dear President you have asked me to serve in return, I ask you to serve with me for the sake of a country and a people.My President to your confidence, trust, prayers and best wishes from the bottom of my heart!

Thank you Mr. President.